There Is No Place Like Home by Monica Turenne
As many of you know, at The Betty Brigade, we work closely with pets and care about their health and safety. This past month we've talked about many different ways to keep your pets safe during the holidays, during severe weather, and other types of situations. After talking with veterinarian, Monica Turenne, we invited her to contribute a guest blog with some very helpful information regarding sick pets and in home care. Enjoy!Most people would agree that Home feels safe, comfortable and when we are sick, it’s the first place we want to be. Our pets are no different, especially when they are at the natural end of their lives or are terminally ill.For many years, there were limited options for our pets when they became terminally ill or when they had reached the natural end of their lives. Euthanasia in the veterinarian’s office was all we had to offer. Thankfully, this is no longer true. Now, Home hospice services are available to ensure your companion can live a good quality of life at Home until they pass or until you decide euthanasia is appropriate. And when that day comes, there is no place like Home, being surrounded by love, family and familiar surroundings.What exactly is pet hospice? Pet hospice provides companions who have reached the end of their lives with palliative relief from pain, nausea, discomfort and other symptoms that may occur. These measures may take the form of medications, herbs, acupuncture, massage or other treatments. And this is all done in the Home, maintaining the pet’s comfort and security and reducing the amount of stress they feel mentally and physically.Hospice helps not only the pet but also the pet parent. Too often, pet parents are forced to make decisions based on fear or quick judgment. Hospice helps them to make difficult decisions regarding medical intervention and aftercare as well as helping them prepare for life without their companion. By preparing ahead, pet parents understand the process and can devote their time to being present with their companion.While there is tremendous sadness and grief during this time, many people have found deep meaning by experiencing this time with their pet. Let me introduce you to Max:
Max was a 12-year-old Dachshund who had lymphoma. His pet parents elected not to do aggressive chemotherapy. They asked me to come to their home for a hospice consultation and to create a hospice plan for them. Max was so sweet and so happy! He was even sticking his head into my doctor’s bag to get treats. We created a plan and over the course of the next 4 weeks, Max was kept comfortable on various oral medications.During the last 10 days of his life, we did several home hospice rechecks and gave subcutaneous fluids and anti-nausea medications in keeping with their hospice plan to keep him comfortable until he was truly ready to pass. Then one day, his pet mom called me and said that he was ready and they were ready. I went to their home and indeed saw a little dog lying on the laps of his three women (mother and 2 daughters). Max was peaceful and resting comfortably. He was where he was meant to be, when he was meant to be there. At that moment, for Max and his family, there was no place like Home.
Monica Turenne, DVM, CVA owns Four Paws Veterinary Wellness, an integrative veterinary house-call practice in Ann Arbor. Dr. Turenne has been a veterinarian for 15 years, is a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist and is a member of the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care. You can learn more about Dr. Turenne and her services at or email her at
We hope you found this guest blog informative and helpful. We know that pets get sick and Dr. Turenne and her team are dedicated to helping them get the love and care they need, even if it is near the end. If you have insight to share and are interested in doing a guest blog feature or being on our radio show, please email for more information. Until next time – Keep It Simple!