We Help Seniors
Do you need to downsize but wonder how you'll manage it yourself and where everything goes? Don't worry. The Betty Brigade is your downsizing specialist. We've helped thousands of seniors sensitively downsize their homes and get settled in their new homes.
Our founder, Sharon McRill, even wrote the #1 International bestselling book on Senior Downsizing!
Is your "honey-do list" longer than your arm? Do you need handrails installed in your home or non-slip surfaces added to your stairs? Our home handyman department can take care of most things in just a few hours.
Are you moving? Need help packing or unpacking at the other end? The Betty Brigade has you covered.
Are you thinking of selling your home? Let The Betty Brigade help get you organized to present your home in the best way possible to maximize your sales price.
One call to The Betty Brigade does it all.
Ready for the Bettys? Contact The Betty Brigade today to schedule a consult.