Home Organization
Have you bought books on organizing? How many?
Have you lost track of your organizers, dividers, and bins among the stuff?
You’re not alone! We see this all the time with many of our clients.
Because a generic book on organizing can give some good ideas, but it doesn't address your individual situation.
And even if it did, knowing how to organize is one thing, but getting it done? That’s the hardest of all.
It takes people a great deal of emotional energy to sort through their things, let alone look at them objectively enough to create a system.
The Betty Brigade can relieve you of your organizing burdens and help make life simple again.
We’ll tailor your home organization to your exact needs, personal preferences, and goals.
Maybe you have a lot of stuff waiting to be taken care of? It happens in every room, drawer, and closet of the house – and office. Documents, magazines, clothing, photographs, collectibles, books, even unpacked boxes from the last move. There's too much "stuff" and no good way to organize it.
The Betty Brigade can take care of it all!
Here’s what we do:
1. We LISTEN. What is it that drives you crazy? If you need a certain document, would you know how to find it? Do you like things behind closed doors or more visible?
2. We SORT. We put the items into categories: keep, sell, donate, shred, recycle, and as a last resort, trash.
3. We ORGANIZE. We put away the things you’re keeping in a logical FOR YOU way.
4. We SET UP A SYSTEM. We explain it to you too. This helps you stay organized.
Increase your efficiency with a clear, orderly environment. You will feel calmer, more creative and get more done. We can organize the entire house, garage, basement, or a room in your home – it's up to you.
We also recycle and donate your unwanted items to great charities instead of throwing them away to help others and the environment.
Want more information on our professional home organizing services? Please read our frequently asked questions or contact The Betty Brigade today.