
How to Organize & Maintain a Great Garage
Does your garage look like a tornado rampaged through it? Fear not, we’ve put together some basic tips to help you get your garage whipped into shape and keep up with it regularly.

Hoarder Or Compulsive Saver? Why It Is Important & Who Can Help?
Living with a hoarder or having to help one go through a relocation process can be very challenging. Below you will find some facts to keep in mind
9 Moving Pro Tips To Help You Relocate Or Downsize
You’ve sold your home and found a new one! We have nine moving pro tips to help you pack when moving and make the process a little easier
How To Simplify Your Financial Life Because Less Is More
Sometimes we find ourselves blocked by anxieties, resentments, and overwhelm in their money lives when, in reality, less is more
How To Stop Hoarding And Start Decluttering
Many times I find myself wondering about all the stuff I have and all the new stuff I keep getting. Here are some tips I use myself to stop hoarding and declutter my life and home
How To Motivate Your Staff To Provide The Best Possible Service
Customer service is vital to a healthy life of any business. Today, we share with you how you can motivate your staff to provide the best possible service
Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Starting To Slip?
About 45% of all Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, but only 8% are actually successful at achieving their goals! Can you believe that? Are you one of the 8%?
Here Are The Top 5 Garage Organizing Mistakes
To make your garage decluttering truly efficient best to keep in mind some usual organizing mistakes that some folks do. Take a look
Benefits Of a Simple Holiday Meal Planning
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the duties of hosting the holiday meal this year, let me show you the benefits of a simple holiday meal planning
Easing Out of Our Clutter & What Our Parents Left Behind - Emotional Savvy [Podcast]
I was recently a guest at Emotional Savvy, hosted by Dr. Rhoberta Shaler. Love being a guest her guest. We talked about how to clear our clutter. Tune in!
5 Brilliant & Simple Ways to Repurpose Household Goods
If you’re planning on cleaning the house, take a look at five brilliant and simple ways you can use to repurpose household goods
How To Organize Your Closets And Seasonal Items
Warm weather means we no longer need heavy winter clothes. It’s time to put them away for now and organize your closets
How To Clean Out Your Pantry This Spring
This is the best time to declutter, organize, and give your home a good clean. That’s why today I want to go over how to clean out your pantry this spring
Awesome Easy Tips To Brighten Up Your Home This Spring
Spring is almost here, and the weather will finally be getting warmer! Time to make our homes ready for this spring.
Downsizing The Silver Tsunami — Choosing Items
Wondering how to downsize with dignity, what to do with all the stuff? It can be challenging. Take a look. My book “Downsizing the Silver Tsunami” will help
Downsizing The Silver Tsunami — What To Do With All The Stuff
When you are downsizing, “what to do with all the stuff I don’t want to keep?” That's why I wrote “Downsizing the Silver Tsunami”
How to Organize Your Desk with just THREE Easy Steps!
A desk can be a big source of stress due to its disorganization. I have a simple way to organize your desk and keep it simple
How To Cut The Clutter And Keep It Simple
Start this new year decluttering. Here are three easy tips on how to cut the clutter and keep a simple and organized year
3 Steps That Will Help You If Moving With a Hoarder
What can you do when you have to move with a hoarder? One of our bloggers has some great insight on what it’s like when dealing & moving with a hoarder